浆英雄! Student Luke with Staffer Patti AND Stephanie with Staffers Nettie 和 Kathy

Patti has worked at Latham in the Residential 和 Training Departments, 和 Luke has gotten to know her well as a student here. He loves talking to her about all his new goings-on when they catch up, including his UPCOMING graduation – CONGRATS, 路加福音! Stephanie from our Adult Program is shown posing for a photo at the Spring Fling with Staffers Nettie 和 Kathy. Thanks to Nettie, Kathy, 和 Stephanie for being such vibrant spirits!

浆 Awareness Month TIP of the Day: Questions Questions Questions.

For the child or adult who asks multiple questions about their daily schedule — write it down or use visuals 和 laminate it. Laminating makes it difficult to rip up 和 formalizes it.


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